You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

778 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Drone.IO Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package drone
import (
const (
pathSelf = "%s/api/user"
pathRepos = "%s/api/user/repos"
pathIncomplete = "%s/api/builds/incomplete"
pathIncompleteV2 = "%s/api/builds/incomplete/v2"
pathReposAll = "%s/api/repos"
pathRepo = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s"
pathChown = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/chown"
pathRepair = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/repair"
pathBuilds = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds?%s"
pathBuild = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds/%v"
pathApprove = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds/%d/approve/%d"
pathDecline = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds/%d/decline/%d"
pathPromote = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds/%d/promote?%s"
pathRollback = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds/%d/rollback?%s"
pathLog = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/builds/%d/logs/%d/%d"
pathRepoSecrets = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/secrets"
pathRepoSecret = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/secrets/%s"
pathEncryptSecret = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/encrypt/secret"
pathSign = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/sign"
pathVerify = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/verify"
pathCrons = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/cron"
pathCron = "%s/api/repos/%s/%s/cron/%s"
pathSecrets = "%s/api/secrets"
pathSecretsNamespace = "%s/api/secrets/%s"
pathSecretsName = "%s/api/secrets/%s/%s"
pathUsers = "%s/api/users"
pathUser = "%s/api/users/%s"
pathQueue = "%s/api/queue"
pathServers = "%s/api/servers"
pathServer = "%s/api/servers/%s"
pathScalerPause = "%s/api/pause"
pathScalerResume = "%s/api/resume"
pathNodes = "%s/api/nodes"
pathNode = "%s/api/nodes/%s"
pathVersion = "%s/version"
pathTemplates = "%s/api/templates"
pathTemplateName = "%s/api/templates/%s/%s"
pathTemplateNamespace = "%s/api/templates/%s"
type client struct {
client *http.Client
addr string
type ListOptions struct {
Page int
Size int
func encodeListOptions(opts ListOptions) string {
params := url.Values{}
if opts.Page != 0 {
params.Set("page", strconv.Itoa(opts.Page))
if opts.Size != 0 {
params.Set("per_page", strconv.Itoa(opts.Size))
return params.Encode()
// New returns a client at the specified url.
func New(uri string) Client {
return &client{http.DefaultClient, strings.TrimSuffix(uri, "/")}
// NewClient returns a client at the specified url.
func NewClient(uri string, cli *http.Client) Client {
return &client{cli, strings.TrimSuffix(uri, "/")}
// SetClient sets the http.Client.
func (c *client) SetClient(client *http.Client) {
c.client = client
// SetAddress sets the server address.
func (c *client) SetAddress(addr string) {
c.addr = addr
// Self returns the currently authenticated user.
func (c *client) Self() (*User, error) {
out := new(User)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSelf, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// User returns a user by login.
func (c *client) User(login string) (*User, error) {
out := new(User)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUser, c.addr, login)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// UserList returns a list of all registered users.
func (c *client) UserList() ([]*User, error) {
var out []*User
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUsers, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// UserCreate creates a new user account.
func (c *client) UserCreate(in *User) (*User, error) {
out := new(User)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUsers, c.addr)
err :=, in, out)
return out, err
// UserUpdate updates a user account.
func (c *client) UserUpdate(login string, in *UserPatch) (*User, error) {
out := new(User)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUser, c.addr, login)
err := c.patch(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// UserDelete deletes a user account.
func (c *client) UserDelete(login string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathUser, c.addr, login)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// Incomplete returns a list of incomplete builds.
func (c *client) Incomplete() ([]*Repo, error) {
var out []*Repo
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathIncomplete, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// IncompleteV2 returns a list of builds repos and any stages that are running/pending.
func (c *client) IncompleteV2() ([]*RepoBuildStage, error) {
var out []*RepoBuildStage
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathIncompleteV2, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// Repo returns a repository by name.
func (c *client) Repo(owner, name string) (*Repo, error) {
out := new(Repo)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.addr, owner, name)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// RepoList returns a list of all repositories to which
// the user has explicit access in the host system.
func (c *client) RepoList() ([]*Repo, error) {
var out []*Repo
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepos, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// RepoListSync returns a list of all repositories to which
// the user has explicit access in the host system.
func (c *client) RepoListSync() ([]*Repo, error) {
var out []*Repo
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepos, c.addr)
err :=, nil, &out)
return out, err
// RepoListAll returns a paginated list of all repositories
// stored in the database.
func (c *client) RepoListAll(opts ListOptions) ([]*Repo, error) {
var out []*Repo
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathReposAll, c.addr)
if opt := encodeListOptions(opts); opt != "" {
uri = uri + "?" + opt
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// RepoEnable activates a repository.
func (c *client) RepoEnable(owner, name string) (*Repo, error) {
out := new(Repo)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.addr, owner, name)
err :=, nil, out)
return out, err
// RepoDisable disables a repository.
func (c *client) RepoDisable(owner, name string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.addr, owner, name)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// RepoDelete permanently deletes a repository.
func (c *client) RepoDelete(owner, name string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo+"?remove=true", c.addr, owner, name)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// RepoUpdate updates a repository.
func (c *client) RepoUpdate(owner, name string, in *RepoPatch) (*Repo, error) {
out := new(Repo)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepo, c.addr, owner, name)
err := c.patch(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// RepoChown updates a repository owner.
func (c *client) RepoChown(owner, name string) (*Repo, error) {
out := new(Repo)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathChown, c.addr, owner, name)
err :=, nil, out)
return out, err
// RepoRepair repais the repository hooks.
func (c *client) RepoRepair(owner, name string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepair, c.addr, owner, name)
return, nil, nil)
// Build returns a repository build by number.
func (c *client) Build(owner, name string, num int) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuild, c.addr, owner, name, num)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// Build returns the latest repository build by branch.
func (c *client) BuildLast(owner, name, branch string) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuild, c.addr, owner, name, "latest")
if branch != "" {
uri += "?branch=" + branch
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// BuildList returns a list of recent builds for the
// the specified repository.
func (c *client) BuildList(owner, name string, opts ListOptions) ([]*Build, error) {
var out []*Build
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuilds, c.addr, owner, name, encodeListOptions(opts))
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// BuildCreate creates a new build by branch or commit.
func (c *client) BuildCreate(owner, name, commit, branch string, params map[string]string) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
val := mapValues(params)
if commit != "" {
val.Set("commit", commit)
if branch != "" {
val.Set("branch", branch)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuilds, c.addr, owner, name, val.Encode())
err :=, nil, out)
return out, err
// BuildRestart re-starts a stopped build.
func (c *client) BuildRestart(owner, name string, build int, params map[string]string) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
val := mapValues(params)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuild, c.addr, owner, name, build)
if len(params) > 0 {
uri = uri + "?" + val.Encode()
err :=, nil, out)
return out, err
// BuildCancel cancels the running job.
func (c *client) BuildCancel(owner, name string, build int) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuild, c.addr, owner, name, build)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// BuildPurge purges the build history.
func (c *client) BuildPurge(owner, name string, before int) error {
param := fmt.Sprintf("before=%d", before)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathBuilds, c.addr, owner, name, param)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// Promote promotes a build to the target environment.
func (c *client) Promote(namespace, name string, build int, target string, params map[string]string) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
val := mapValues(params)
val.Set("target", target)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathPromote, c.addr, namespace, name, build, val.Encode())
err :=, nil, out)
return out, err
// Roolback reverts the target environment to an previous build.
func (c *client) Rollback(namespace, name string, build int, target string, params map[string]string) (*Build, error) {
out := new(Build)
val := mapValues(params)
val.Set("target", target)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRollback, c.addr, namespace, name, build, val.Encode())
err :=, nil, out)
return out, err
// Approve approves a blocked build stage.
func (c *client) Approve(namespace, name string, build, stage int) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathApprove, c.addr, namespace, name, build, stage)
err :=, nil, nil)
return err
// Decline declines a blocked build stage.
func (c *client) Decline(namespace, name string, build, stage int) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathDecline, c.addr, namespace, name, build, stage)
err :=, nil, nil)
return err
// BuildLogs returns the build logs for the specified job.
func (c *client) Logs(owner, name string, build, stage, step int) ([]*Line, error) {
var out []*Line
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathLog, c.addr, owner, name, build, stage, step)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// LogsPurge purges the build logs for the specified build.
func (c *client) LogsPurge(owner, name string, build, stage, step int) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathLog, c.addr, owner, name, build, stage, step)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// Sign signs the yaml file.
func (c *client) Sign(owner, name, file string) (string, error) {
in := struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
}{Data: file}
out := struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSign, c.addr, owner, name)
err :=, &in, &out)
return out.Data, err
// Verify verifies the yaml signature.
func (c *client) Verify(owner, name, file string) error {
in := struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
}{Data: file}
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathVerify, c.addr, owner, name)
return, &in, nil)
// Encrypt returns an encrypted secret.
func (c *client) Encrypt(owner, name string, secret *Secret) (string, error) {
out := struct {
Data string `json:"data"`
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathEncryptSecret, c.addr, owner, name)
err :=, secret, &out)
return out.Data, err
// Secret returns a secret by name.
func (c *client) Secret(owner, name, secret string) (*Secret, error) {
out := new(Secret)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecret, c.addr, owner, name, secret)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// SecretList returns a list of all repository secrets.
func (c *client) SecretList(owner, name string) ([]*Secret, error) {
var out []*Secret
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecrets, c.addr, owner, name)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// SecretCreate creates a secret.
func (c *client) SecretCreate(owner, name string, in *Secret) (*Secret, error) {
out := new(Secret)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecrets, c.addr, owner, name)
err :=, in, out)
return out, err
// SecretUpdate updates a secret.
func (c *client) SecretUpdate(owner, name string, in *Secret) (*Secret, error) {
out := new(Secret)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecret, c.addr, owner, name, in.Name)
err := c.patch(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// SecretDelete deletes a secret.
func (c *client) SecretDelete(owner, name, secret string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathRepoSecret, c.addr, owner, name, secret)
return c.delete(uri)
// OrgSecret returns a secret by name.
func (c *client) OrgSecret(namespace, name string) (*Secret, error) {
out := new(Secret)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSecretsName, c.addr, namespace, name)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// OrgSecretList returns a list of all repository secrets.
func (c *client) OrgSecretList(namespace string) ([]*Secret, error) {
var out []*Secret
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSecretsNamespace, c.addr, namespace)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// OrgSecretListAll returns a list of all repository secrets.
func (c *client) OrgSecretListAll() ([]*Secret, error) {
var out []*Secret
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSecrets, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// OrgSecretCreate creates a registry.
func (c *client) OrgSecretCreate(namespace string, in *Secret) (*Secret, error) {
out := new(Secret)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSecretsNamespace, c.addr, namespace)
err :=, in, out)
return out, err
// OrgSecretUpdate updates a registry.
func (c *client) OrgSecretUpdate(namespace string, in *Secret) (*Secret, error) {
out := new(Secret)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSecretsName, c.addr, namespace, in.Name)
err := c.patch(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// OrgSecretDelete deletes a secret.
func (c *client) OrgSecretDelete(namespace, name string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathSecretsName, c.addr, namespace, name)
return c.delete(uri)
// Cron returns a cronjob by name.
func (c *client) Cron(owner, name, cron string) (*Cron, error) {
out := new(Cron)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathCron, c.addr, owner, name, cron)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// CronList returns a list of all repository cronjobs.
func (c *client) CronList(owner, name string) ([]*Cron, error) {
var out []*Cron
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathCrons, c.addr, owner, name)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// CronCreate creates a cronjob.
func (c *client) CronCreate(owner, name string, in *Cron) (*Cron, error) {
out := new(Cron)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathCrons, c.addr, owner, name)
err :=, in, out)
return out, err
// CronUpdate disables a cronjob.
func (c *client) CronUpdate(owner, name, cron string, in *CronPatch) (*Cron, error) {
out := new(Cron)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathCron, c.addr, owner, name, cron)
err := c.patch(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// CronDelete deletes a cronjob.
func (c *client) CronDelete(owner, name, cron string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathCron, c.addr, owner, name, cron)
return c.delete(uri)
// CronExec executes a cronjob.
func (c *client) CronExec(owner, name, cron string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathCron, c.addr, owner, name, cron)
err :=, nil, nil)
return err
// Queue returns a list of enqueued builds.
func (c *client) Queue() ([]*Stage, error) {
var out []*Stage
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathQueue, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// QueueResume resumes queue operations.
func (c *client) QueueResume() error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathQueue, c.addr)
err :=, nil, nil)
return err
// QueuePause pauses queue operations.
func (c *client) QueuePause() error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathQueue, c.addr)
err := c.delete(uri)
return err
// Node returns a node by name.
func (c *client) Node(name string) (*Node, error) {
out := new(Node)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathNode, c.addr, name)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// NodeList returns a list of all nodes.
func (c *client) NodeList() ([]*Node, error) {
var out []*Node
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathNodes, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// NodeCreate creates a node.
func (c *client) NodeCreate(in *Node) (*Node, error) {
out := new(Node)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathNodes, c.addr)
err :=, in, out)
return out, err
// NodeDelete deletes a node.
func (c *client) NodeDelete(name string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathNode, c.addr, name)
return c.delete(uri)
// NodeUpdate updates a node.
func (c *client) NodeUpdate(name string, in *NodePatch) (*Node, error) {
out := new(Node)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathNode, c.addr, name)
err := c.patch(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// autoscaler
// Server returns the named servers details.
func (c *client) Server(name string) (*Server, error) {
out := new(Server)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathServer, c.addr, name)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// ServerList returns a list of all active build servers.
func (c *client) ServerList() ([]*Server, error) {
var out []*Server
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathServers, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// ServerCreate creates a new server.
func (c *client) ServerCreate() (*Server, error) {
out := new(Server)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathServers, c.addr)
err :=, nil, out)
return out, err
// ServerDelete terminates a server.
func (c *client) ServerDelete(name string, force bool) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathServer, c.addr, name)
if force {
uri += "?force=true"
return c.delete(uri)
// AutoscalePause pauses the autoscaler.
func (c *client) AutoscalePause() error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathScalerPause, c.addr)
return, nil, nil)
// AutoscaleResume resumes the autoscaler.
func (c *client) AutoscaleResume() error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathScalerResume, c.addr)
return, nil, nil)
// AutoscaleVersion resumes the autoscaler.
func (c *client) AutoscaleVersion() (*Version, error) {
out := new(Version)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathVersion, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// Template returns a template by name.
func (c *client) Template(namespace, name string) (*Template, error) {
out := new(Template)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathTemplateName, c.addr, namespace, name)
err := c.get(uri, out)
return out, err
// TemplateListAll returns a list of all templates.
func (c *client) TemplateListAll() ([]*Template, error) {
var out []*Template
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathTemplates, c.addr)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// TemplateList returns a list of all templates by namespace
func (c *client) TemplateList(namespace string) ([]*Template, error) {
var out []*Template
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathTemplateNamespace, c.addr, namespace)
err := c.get(uri, &out)
return out, err
// TemplateCreate creates a template.
func (c *client) TemplateCreate(namespace string, in *Template) (*Template, error) {
out := new(Template)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathTemplateNamespace, c.addr, namespace)
err :=, in, out)
return out, err
// TemplateUpdate updates a template.
func (c *client) TemplateUpdate(namespace, name string, in *Template) (*Template, error) {
out := new(Template)
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathTemplateName, c.addr, namespace, name)
err := c.patch(uri, in, out)
return out, err
// TemplateDelete deletes a template.
func (c *client) TemplateDelete(namespace, name string) error {
uri := fmt.Sprintf(pathTemplateName, c.addr, namespace, name)
return c.delete(uri)
// http request helper functions
// helper function for making an http GET request.
func (c *client) get(rawurl string, out interface{}) error {
return, "GET", nil, out)
// helper function for making an http POST request.
func (c *client) post(rawurl string, in, out interface{}) error {
return, "POST", in, out)
// helper function for making an http PATCH request.
func (c *client) patch(rawurl string, in, out interface{}) error {
return, "PATCH", in, out)
// helper function for making an http DELETE request.
func (c *client) delete(rawurl string) error {
return, "DELETE", nil, nil)
// helper function to make an http request
func (c *client) do(rawurl, method string, in, out interface{}) error {
body, err :=, method, in, out)
if err != nil {
return err
defer body.Close()
if out != nil {
return json.NewDecoder(body).Decode(out)
return nil
// helper function to open an http request
func (c *client) open(rawurl, method string, in, out interface{}) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
uri, err := url.Parse(rawurl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if in != nil {
decoded, derr := json.Marshal(in)
if derr != nil {
return nil, derr
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(decoded)
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(buf)
req.ContentLength = int64(len(decoded))
req.Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(decoded)))
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
resp, err := c.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.StatusCode > 299 {
defer resp.Body.Close()
out, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("client error %d: %s", resp.StatusCode, string(out))
return resp.Body, nil
// mapValues converts a map to url.Values
func mapValues(params map[string]string) url.Values {
values := url.Values{}
for key, val := range params {
values.Add(key, val)
return values