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package compiler
import (
json ""
// helper funciton encodes an interface value as a string.
// this function assumes all types were unmarshaled by the
// yaml.v2 library. The yaml.v2 package only supports a
// subset of primative types.
func encode(v interface{}) string {
switch v := v.(type) {
case string:
return v
case bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(v)
case int:
return strconv.Itoa(v)
case float64:
return strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'g', -1, 64)
case []byte:
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(v)
case []interface{}:
return encodeSlice(v)
return encodeMap(v)
// helper function encodes a parameter in map format.
func encodeMap(v interface{}) string {
yml, _ := yaml.Marshal(v)
out, _ := json.YAMLToJSON(yml)
return string(out)
// helper function encodes a parameter in slice format.
func encodeSlice(v interface{}) string {
out, _ := yaml.Marshal(v)
in := []string{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal(out, &in)
if err == nil {
return strings.Join(in, ",")
out, _ = json.YAMLToJSON(out)
return string(out)