You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package scm
import (
type (
// MilestoneInput contains the information needed to create a milestone
MilestoneInput struct {
Title string
Description string
State string
DueDate time.Time
// MilestoneListOptions provides options for querying a list of repository milestones.
MilestoneListOptions struct {
Page int
Size int
Open bool
Closed bool
// MilestoneService provides access to creating, listing, updating, and deleting milestones
MilestoneService interface {
// Find returns the milestone for the given number in the given repository
Find(context.Context, string, int) (*Milestone, *Response, error)
// List returns a list of milestones in the given repository
List(context.Context, string, MilestoneListOptions) ([]*Milestone, *Response, error)
// Create creates a milestone in the given repository
Create(context.Context, string, *MilestoneInput) (*Milestone, *Response, error)
// Update updates a milestone in the given repository
Update(context.Context, string, int, *MilestoneInput) (*Milestone, *Response, error)
// Delete deletes a milestone in the given repository
Delete(context.Context, string, int) (*Response, error)