You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

270 lines
9.9 KiB

package template
import "html/template"
// list of embedded template files.
var files = []struct {
name string
data string
name: "index.tmpl",
data: index,
}, {
name: "logs.tmpl",
data: logs,
}, {
name: "stage.tmpl",
data: stage,
// T exposes the embedded templates.
var T *template.Template
func init() {
T = template.New("_").Funcs(funcMap)
for _, file := range files {
T = template.Must(
// embedded template files.
// files/index.tmpl
var index = `<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/reset.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" id="favicon" href="/static/favicon.png">
<script src="/static/timeago.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<header class="navbar">
<div class="logo">
<svg viewBox="0 0 60 60" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><defs><path d="M12.086 5.814l-.257.258 10.514 10.514C20.856 18.906 20 21.757 20 25c0 9.014 6.618 15 15 15 3.132 0 6.018-.836 8.404-2.353l10.568 10.568C48.497 55.447 39.796 60 30 60 13.434 60 0 46.978 0 30 0 19.903 4.751 11.206 12.086 5.814zm5.002-2.97C20.998 1.015 25.378 0 30 0c16.566 0 30 13.022 30 30 0 4.67-1.016 9.04-2.835 12.923l-9.508-9.509C49.144 31.094 50 28.243 50 25c0-9.014-6.618-15-15-15-3.132 0-6.018.836-8.404 2.353l-9.508-9.508zM35 34c-5.03 0-9-3.591-9-9s3.97-9 9-9c5.03 0 9 3.591 9 9s-3.97 9-9 9z" id="a"></path></defs><use fill="#FFF" xlink:href="#a" fill-rule="evenodd"></use></svg>
<nav class="inline-nav">
<li><a href="/" class="active">Dashboard</a></li>
<li><a href="/logs">Logging</a></li>
<article class="cards stages">
{{ if not .Items }}
<div class="alert sleeping">
<p>There is no recent activity to display.</p>
{{ else if .Idle }}
<div class="alert sleeping">
<p>This runner is currently idle.</p>
{{ end }}
{{ range .Items }}
<a href="/view?id={{ .Stage.ID }}" class="card stage">
<h2>{{ .Repo.Slug }}</h2>
<img src="{{ .Build.AuthorAvatar }}" />
<span class="connector"></span>
<span class="status {{ .Stage.Status }}"></span>
<span class="desc">assigned stage <em>{{ .Stage.Name }}</em> for build <em>#{{ .Build.Number }}</em></span>
<span class="time" datetime="{{ if .Stage.Started }}{{ timestamp .Stage.Started }}{{ else }}{{ timestamp .Stage.Created }}{{ end }}"></span>
{{ end }}
// files/logs.tmpl
var logs = `<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/reset.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" id="favicon" href="/static/favicon.png">
<script src="/static/timeago.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<header class="navbar">
<div class="logo">
<svg viewBox="0 0 60 60" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><defs><path d="M12.086 5.814l-.257.258 10.514 10.514C20.856 18.906 20 21.757 20 25c0 9.014 6.618 15 15 15 3.132 0 6.018-.836 8.404-2.353l10.568 10.568C48.497 55.447 39.796 60 30 60 13.434 60 0 46.978 0 30 0 19.903 4.751 11.206 12.086 5.814zm5.002-2.97C20.998 1.015 25.378 0 30 0c16.566 0 30 13.022 30 30 0 4.67-1.016 9.04-2.835 12.923l-9.508-9.509C49.144 31.094 50 28.243 50 25c0-9.014-6.618-15-15-15-3.132 0-6.018.836-8.404 2.353l-9.508-9.508zM35 34c-5.03 0-9-3.591-9-9s3.97-9 9-9c5.03 0 9 3.591 9 9s-3.97 9-9 9z" id="a"></path></defs><use fill="#FFF" xlink:href="#a" fill-rule="evenodd"></use></svg>
<nav class="inline-nav">
<li><a href="/">Dashboard</a></li>
<li><a href="/logs" class="active">Logging</a></li>
<h1>Recent Logs</h1>
{{ if .Entries }}
<article class="logs">
{{ range .Entries }}
<div class="entry">
<span class="level {{ .Level }}">{{ .Level }}</span>
<span class="message">{{ .Message }}</span>
<span class="fields">
{{ range $key, $val := .Data }}
<span><em>{{ $key }}</em>{{ $val }}</span>
{{ end }}
<span class="time" datetime="{{ timestamp .Unix }}"></span>
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<div class="alert sleeping">
<p>There is no recent log activity to display.</p>
{{ end }}
// files/stage.tmpl
var stage = `<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
{{- if not (done .Stage.Status) }}
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
{{- end }}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/reset.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" id="favicon" href="/static/favicon.png">
<script src="/static/timeago.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<header class="navbar">
<div class="logo">
<svg viewBox="0 0 60 60" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><defs><path d="M12.086 5.814l-.257.258 10.514 10.514C20.856 18.906 20 21.757 20 25c0 9.014 6.618 15 15 15 3.132 0 6.018-.836 8.404-2.353l10.568 10.568C48.497 55.447 39.796 60 30 60 13.434 60 0 46.978 0 30 0 19.903 4.751 11.206 12.086 5.814zm5.002-2.97C20.998 1.015 25.378 0 30 0c16.566 0 30 13.022 30 30 0 4.67-1.016 9.04-2.835 12.923l-9.508-9.509C49.144 31.094 50 28.243 50 25c0-9.014-6.618-15-15-15-3.132 0-6.018.836-8.404 2.353l-9.508-9.508zM35 34c-5.03 0-9-3.591-9-9s3.97-9 9-9c5.03 0 9 3.591 9 9s-3.97 9-9 9z" id="a"></path></defs><use fill="#FFF" xlink:href="#a" fill-rule="evenodd"></use></svg>
<nav class="inline-nav">
<li><a href="/">Dashboard</a></li>
<li><a href="/logs">Logging</a></li>
<nav class="breadcrumb">
<li><a href="/">Dashboard</a></li>
<li class="separator"></li>
<li>{{ .Repo.Slug }}</li>
<li class="separator"></li>
<li>#{{ .Build.Number }}</li>
<h1>{{ .Repo.Name }}</h1>
<div class="card stage">
<h2>{{ .Build.Message }}</h2>
<img src="{{ .Build.AuthorAvatar }}" />
<span class="connector"></span>
<span class="status {{ .Stage.Status }}"></span>
{{ if eq .Build.Event "pull_request" }}
{{ if eq .Build.Action "synchronized" }}
<span class="desc">{{ .Build.Author }} synchronized pull request <em>#{{ pr .Build.Ref }}</em></span>
{{ else }}
<span class="desc">{{ .Build.Author }} opened pull request <em>#{{ pr .Build.Ref }}</em> to <em>{{ .Build.Target }}</em></span>
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Build.Event "tag" }}
<span class="desc">{{ .Build.Author }} created reference <em>{{ tag .Build.Ref }}</em></span>
{{ else if eq .Build.Event "promote"}}
<span class="desc">{{ .Build.Author }} promoted build <em>#{{ .Build.Parent }}</em> to <em>{{ .Build.Deploy }}</em></span>
{{ else if eq .Build.Event "rollback"}}
<span class="desc">{{ .Build.Author }} reverted <em>{{ .Build.Deploy }}</em> to <em>#{{ .Build.Parent }}</em></span>
{{ else if eq .Build.Event "cron"}}
<span class="desc">Executed <em>{{ .Build.Cron }}</em> for branch <em>{{ .Build.Target }}</em></span>
{{ else }}
<span class="desc">{{ .Build.Author }} pushed <em>{{ sha .Build.After }}</em> to <em>{{ .Build.Target }}</em></span>
{{ end }}
<span class="time" datetime="{{ if .Stage.Started }}{{ timestamp .Stage.Started }}{{ else }}{{ timestamp .Stage.Created }}{{ end }}"></span>
{{ if .Stage.Steps }}
<div class="card steps">
<div class="body">
{{ range .Stage.Steps }}
<div class="step">
<span class="status {{ .Status }}"></span>
<span class="name">{{ .Name }}</span>
<span class="status-name">{{ .Status }}</span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Logs }}
<div class="logs">
{{ range .Logs }}
<div class="entry">
<span class="level {{ .Level }}">{{ .Level }}</span>
<span class="message">{{ .Message }}</span>
<span class="fields">
{{ range $key, $val := .Data }}
<span><em>{{ $key }}</em>{{ $val }}</span>
{{ end }}
<span class="time" datetime="{{ timestamp .Unix }}"></span>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}