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// Copyright 2019 Drone.IO Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Polyform License
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import (
// Execer executes the pipeline.
type Execer struct {
mu sync.Mutex
engine Engine
reporter pipeline.Reporter
streamer pipeline.Streamer
uploader pipeline.Uploader
sem *semaphore.Weighted
// NewExecer returns a new execer.
func NewExecer(
reporter pipeline.Reporter,
streamer pipeline.Streamer,
uploader pipeline.Uploader,
engine Engine,
threads int64,
) *Execer {
exec := &Execer{
reporter: reporter,
streamer: streamer,
engine: engine,
uploader: uploader,
if threads > 0 {
// optional semaphore that limits the number of steps
// that can execute concurrently.
exec.sem = semaphore.NewWeighted(threads)
return exec
// Exec executes the intermediate representation of the pipeline
// and returns an error if execution fails.
func (e *Execer) Exec(ctx context.Context, spec Spec, state *pipeline.State) error {
log := logger.FromContext(ctx)
defer func() {
log.Debugln("destroying the pipeline environment")
err := e.engine.Destroy(noContext, spec)
if err != nil {
Debugln("cannot destroy the pipeline environment")
} else {
log.Debugln("successfully destroyed the pipeline environment")
if err := e.engine.Setup(noContext, spec); err != nil {
return e.reporter.ReportStage(noContext, state)
// create a new context with cancel in order to
// support fail failure when a step fails.
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
// create a directed graph, where each vertex in the graph
// is a pipeline step.
var d dag.Runner
for i := 0; i < spec.StepLen(); i++ {
step := spec.StepAt(i)
d.AddVertex(step.GetName(), func() error {
err := e.exec(ctx, state, spec, step)
// if the step is configured to fast fail the
// pipeline, and if the step returned a non-zero
// exit code, cancel the entire pipeline.
if step.GetErrPolicy() == ErrFailFast {
step := state.Find(step.GetName())
// reading data from the step is not thread
// safe so we need to acquire a lock.
exit := step.ExitCode
if exit > 0 {
return err
// create the vertex edges from the values configured in the
// depends_on attribute.
for i := 0; i < spec.StepLen(); i++ {
step := spec.StepAt(i)
for _, dep := range step.GetDependencies() {
d.AddEdge(dep, step.GetName())
var result error
if err := d.Run(); err != nil {
switch err.Error() {
case "missing vertext":
case "dependency cycle detected":
result = multierror.Append(result, err)
// if the pipeline is not in a failing state,
// returning an unexpected error must place the
// pipeline in a failing state.
if !state.Failed() {
// once pipeline execution completes, notify the state
// manager that all steps are finished.
if err := e.reporter.ReportStage(noContext, state); err != nil {
result = multierror.Append(result, err)
return result
func (e *Execer) exec(ctx context.Context, state *pipeline.State, spec Spec, step Step) error {
var result error
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
log := logger.FromContext(ctx)
log = log.WithField("", step.GetName())
ctx = logger.WithContext(ctx, log)
if e.sem != nil {
log.Trace("acquiring semaphore")
// the semaphore limits the number of steps that can run
// concurrently. acquire the semaphore and release when
// the pipeline completes.
err := e.sem.Acquire(ctx, 1)
// if acquiring the semaphore failed because the context
// deadline exceeded (e.g. the pipeline timed out) the
// state should be canceled.
switch ctx.Err() {
case context.Canceled, context.DeadlineExceeded:
log.Trace("acquiring semaphore canceled")
return nil
// if acquiring the semaphore failed for unexpected reasons
// the pipeline should error.
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorln("failed to acquire semaphore.")
return err
defer func() {
// recover from a panic to ensure the semaphore is
// released to prevent deadlock. we do not expect a
// panic, however, we are being overly cautious.
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// TODO(bradrydzewski) log the panic.
// release the semaphore
log.Trace("semaphore released")
switch {
case state.Cancelled():
// skip if the pipeline was cancelled, either by the
// end user or due to timeout.
return nil
case step.GetRunPolicy() == RunNever:
return nil
case step.GetRunPolicy() == RunAlways:
case step.GetRunPolicy() == RunOnFailure && state.Failed() == false:
return e.reporter.ReportStep(noContext, state, step.GetName())
case step.GetRunPolicy() == RunOnSuccess && state.Failed():
return e.reporter.ReportStep(noContext, state, step.GetName())
case state.Finished(step.GetName()):
// skip if the step if already in a finished state,
// for example, if the step is marked as skipped.
return nil
err := e.reporter.ReportStep(noContext, state, step.GetName())
if err != nil {
return err
copy := step.Clone()
// the pipeline environment variables need to be updated to
// reflect the current state of the build and stage.
environ.Step(findStep(state, step.GetName())),
// writer used to stream build logs.
wc := e.streamer.Stream(noContext, state, step.GetName())
wc = newReplacer(wc, secretSlice(step))
// wrap writer in extrator
ext := extractor.New(wc)
// if the step is configured as a daemon, it is detached
// from the main process and executed separately.
if step.IsDetached() {
go func() {
e.engine.Run(ctx, spec, copy, ext)
return nil
exited, err := e.engine.Run(ctx, spec, copy, ext)
// close the stream. If the session is a remote session, the
// full log buffer is uploaded to the remote server.
if err := wc.Close(); err != nil {
result = multierror.Append(result, err)
// upload card if exists
card, ok := ext.File()
if ok {
err = e.uploader.UploadCard(ctx, card, state, step.GetName())
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("cannot upload card")
// if the context was cancelled and returns a Canceled or
// DeadlineExceeded error this indicates the pipeline was
// cancelled.
switch ctx.Err() {
case context.Canceled, context.DeadlineExceeded:
return nil
if exited != nil {
if exited.OOMKilled {
log.Debugln("received oom kill.")
state.Finish(step.GetName(), 137)
} else {
log.Debugf("received exit code %d", exited.ExitCode)
state.Finish(step.GetName(), exited.ExitCode)
err := e.reporter.ReportStep(noContext, state, step.GetName())
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("cannot report step status.")
result = multierror.Append(result, err)
// if the exit code is 78 the system will skip all
// subsequent pending steps in the pipeline.
if exited.ExitCode == 78 {
log.Debugln("received exit code 78. early exit.")
return result
switch err {
case context.Canceled, context.DeadlineExceeded:
return nil
// if the step failed with an internal error (as opposed to a
// runtime error) the step is failed.
state.Fail(step.GetName(), err)
err = e.reporter.ReportStep(noContext, state, step.GetName())
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("cannot report step failure.")
result = multierror.Append(result, err)
return result
// helper function returns the named step from the state.
func findStep(state *pipeline.State, name string) *drone.Step {
for _, step := range state.Stage.Steps {
if step.Name == name {
return step
panic("step not found: " + name)
// helper function returns an array of secrets from the
// pipeline step.
func secretSlice(step Step) []Secret {
var secrets []Secret
for i := 0; i < step.GetSecretLen(); i++ {
secrets = append(secrets, step.GetSecretAt(i))
return secrets