You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2019 Drone.IO Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Polyform License
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import (
var noContext = context.Background()
// Runner runs the pipeline.
type Runner struct {
// Machine provides the runner with the name of the host
// machine executing the pipeline.
Machine string
// Environ defines global environment variables that can
// be interpolated into the yaml using bash substitution.
Environ map[string]string
// Client is the remote client responsible for interacting
// with the central server.
Client client.Client
// Compiler is responsible for compiling the pipeline
// configuration to the intermediate representation.
Compiler Compiler
// Reporter reports pipeline status and logs back to the
// remote server.
Reporter pipeline.Reporter
// Execer is responsible for executing intermediate
// representation of the pipeline and returns its results.
Exec func(context.Context, Spec, *pipeline.State) error
// Lint is responsible for linting the pipeline
// and failing if any rules are broken.
Lint func(manifest.Resource, *drone.Repo) error
// Match is an optional function that returns true if the
// repository or build match user-defined criteria. This is
// intended as a security measure to prevent a runner from
// processing an unwanted pipeline.
Match func(*drone.Repo, *drone.Build) bool
// Lookup is a helper function that extracts the resource
// from the manifest by name.
Lookup func(string, *manifest.Manifest) (manifest.Resource, error)
// Run runs the pipeline stage.
func (s *Runner) Run(ctx context.Context, stage *drone.Stage) error {
log := logger.FromContext(ctx).
WithField("", stage.ID).
WithField("", stage.Name).
WithField("stage.number", stage.Number)
log.Debug("stage received")
// delivery to a single agent is not guaranteed, which means
// we need confirm receipt. The first agent that confirms
// receipt of the stage can assume ownership.
stage.Machine = s.Machine
err := s.Client.Accept(ctx, stage)
if err != nil && err == client.ErrOptimisticLock {
log.Debug("stage accepted by another runner")
return nil
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("cannot accept stage")
return err
log.Debug("stage accepted")
data, err := s.Client.Detail(ctx, stage)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("cannot get stage details")
return err
log = log.WithField("", data.Repo.ID).
WithField("repo.namespace", data.Repo.Namespace).
WithField("", data.Repo.Name).
WithField("", data.Build.ID).
WithField("build.number", data.Build.Number)
log.Debug("stage details fetched")
return, stage, data)
// RunAccepted runs a pipeline stage that has already been
// accepted and assigned to a runner.
func (s *Runner) RunAccepted(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
log := logger.FromContext(ctx).WithField("", id)
log.Debug("stage received")
data, err := s.Client.Detail(ctx, &drone.Stage{ID: id})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("cannot get stage details")
return err
log = log.WithField("", data.Repo.ID).
WithField("repo.namespace", data.Repo.Namespace).
WithField("", data.Repo.Name).
WithField("", data.Build.ID).
WithField("build.number", data.Build.Number)
log.Debug("stage details fetched")
return, data.Stage, data)
func (s *Runner) run(ctx context.Context, stage *drone.Stage, data *client.Context) error {
log := logger.FromContext(ctx).
WithField("", data.Repo.ID).
WithField("", stage.ID).
WithField("", stage.Name).
WithField("stage.number", stage.Number).
WithField("repo.namespace", data.Repo.Namespace).
WithField("", data.Repo.Name).
WithField("", data.Build.ID).
WithField("build.number", data.Build.Number)
ctxdone, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
timeout := time.Duration(data.Repo.Timeout) * time.Minute
ctxtimeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctxdone, timeout)
defer cancel()
ctxcancel, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctxtimeout)
defer cancel()
// next we opens a connection to the server to watch for
// cancellation requests. If a build is cancelled the running
// stage should also be cancelled.
go func() {
done, _ := s.Client.Watch(ctxdone, data.Build.ID)
if done {
log.Debugln("received cancellation")
} else {
log.Debugln("done listening for cancellations")
envs := environ.Combine(
environ.Link(data.Repo, data.Build, data.System),
// string substitution function ensures that string
// replacement variables are escaped and quoted if they
// contain a newline character.
subf := func(k string) string {
v := envs[k]
if strings.Contains(v, "\n") {
v = fmt.Sprintf("%q", v)
return v
state := &pipeline.State{
Build: data.Build,
Stage: stage,
Repo: data.Repo,
System: data.System,
// evaluates whether or not the agent can process the
// pipeline. An agent may choose to reject a repository
// or build for security reasons.
if s.Match != nil && s.Match(data.Repo, data.Build) == false {
log.Error("cannot process stage, access denied")
state.FailAll(errors.New("insufficient permission to run the pipeline"))
return s.Reporter.ReportStage(noContext, state)
// evaluates string replacement expressions and returns an
// update configuration file string.
config, err := envsubst.Eval(string(data.Config.Data), subf)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("cannot emulate bash substitution")
return s.Reporter.ReportStage(noContext, state)
// parse the yaml configuration file.
manifest, err := manifest.ParseString(config)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("cannot parse configuration file")
return s.Reporter.ReportStage(noContext, state)
// find the named stage in the yaml configuration file.
resource, err := s.Lookup(stage.Name, manifest)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("cannot find pipeline resource")
return s.Reporter.ReportStage(noContext, state)
// lint the pipeline configuration and fail the build
// if any linting rules are broken.
err = s.Lint(resource, data.Repo)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("cannot accept configuration")
return s.Reporter.ReportStage(noContext, state)
secrets := secret.Combine(
// compile the yaml configuration file to an intermediate
// representation, and then
args := CompilerArgs{
Pipeline: resource,
Manifest: manifest,
Build: data.Build,
Stage: stage,
Repo: data.Repo,
System: data.System,
Netrc: data.Netrc,
Secret: secrets,
spec := s.Compiler.Compile(ctx, args)
for i := 0; i < spec.StepLen(); i++ {
src := spec.StepAt(i)
// steps that are skipped are ignored and are not stored
// in the drone database, nor displayed in the UI.
if src.GetRunPolicy() == RunNever {
stage.Steps = append(stage.Steps, &drone.Step{
Name: src.GetName(),
Number: len(stage.Steps) + 1,
StageID: stage.ID,
Status: drone.StatusPending,
ErrIgnore: src.GetErrPolicy() == ErrIgnore,
Image: src.GetImage(),
Detached: src.IsDetached(),
DependsOn: src.GetDependencies(),
stage.Started = time.Now().Unix()
stage.Status = drone.StatusRunning
if err := s.Client.Update(ctx, stage); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("cannot update stage")
return err
log.Debug("updated stage to running")
ctxlogger := logger.WithContext(ctxcancel, log)
err = s.Exec(ctxlogger, spec, state)
if err != nil {
WithField("duration", stage.Stopped-stage.Started).
Debug("stage failed")
return err
log.WithField("duration", stage.Stopped-stage.Started).
Debug("updated stage to complete")
return nil