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// Copyright 2019 Drone.IO Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Polyform License
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package internal
import (
func TestCloneRepo(t *testing.T) {
src := &drone.Repo{
ID: 1,
UID: "2",
UserID: 3,
Namespace: "octocat",
Name: "hello-world",
Slug: "octocat/hello-world",
SCM: "git",
Link: "",
Branch: "master",
Private: true,
Visibility: "public",
Active: true,
Config: ".drone.yml",
Trusted: true,
Protected: true,
IgnoreForks: true,
IgnorePulls: true,
Timeout: 60,
Counter: 50,
Synced: 1561256365,
Created: 1561256505,
Updated: 1561256511,
Version: 1,
dst := CloneRepo(src)
if src == dst {
t.Errorf("Except copy of repo, got reference")
if diff := cmp.Diff(src, dst); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Expect copy of values")
func TestCloneBuild(t *testing.T) {
src := &drone.Build{
ID: 1,
RepoID: 2,
Number: 3,
Parent: 4,
Status: drone.StatusFailing,
Error: "",
Event: drone.EventPush,
Action: "created",
Link: "",
Timestamp: 1561256041,
Title: "",
Message: "updated README",
Before: "553c2077f0edc3d5dc5d17262f6aa498e69d6f8e",
After: "762941318ee16e59dabbacb1b4049eec22f0d303",
Ref: "refs/heads/master",
Fork: "spaceghost/hello-world",
Source: "develop",
Target: "master",
Author: "octocat",
AuthorName: "The Octocat",
AuthorEmail: "",
AuthorAvatar: "",
Sender: "spaceghost",
Params: map[string]string{"memory": "high"},
Cron: "nightly",
Deploy: "production",
Started: 1561256065,
Finished: 1561256082,
Created: 1561256050,
Updated: 1561256052,
Version: 1,
Stages: []*drone.Stage{
ID: 1,
BuildID: 2,
Number: 3,
Name: "build",
Kind: "pipeline",
Type: "docker",
Status: drone.StatusPassing,
Error: "",
ErrIgnore: true,
ExitCode: 0,
Machine: "server1",
OS: "linux",
Arch: "amd64",
Variant: "",
Kernel: "",
Limit: 0,
Started: 1561256065,
Stopped: 1561256505,
Created: 1561256356,
Updated: 1561256082,
Version: 1,
OnSuccess: true,
OnFailure: true,
DependsOn: []string{"clone"},
Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
dst := CloneBuild(src)
if src == dst {
t.Errorf("Except copy of build, got reference")
if diff := cmp.Diff(src, dst); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Expect copy of values")
if src.Stages[0] == dst.Stages[0] {
t.Errorf("Except copy of stages, got reference")
if diff := cmp.Diff(src.Stages[0], dst.Stages[0]); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Expect copy of stage values")
func TestCloneStage(t *testing.T) {
src := &drone.Stage{
ID: 1,
BuildID: 2,
Number: 3,
Name: "build",
Kind: "pipeline",
Type: "docker",
Status: drone.StatusPassing,
Error: "",
ErrIgnore: true,
ExitCode: 0,
Machine: "server1",
OS: "linux",
Arch: "amd64",
Variant: "",
Kernel: "",
Limit: 0,
Started: 1561256065,
Stopped: 1561256505,
Created: 1561256356,
Updated: 1561256082,
Version: 1,
OnSuccess: true,
OnFailure: true,
DependsOn: []string{"clone"},
Labels: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
Steps: []*drone.Step{
ID: 1,
StageID: 2,
Number: 3,
Name: "foo",
Status: drone.StatusFailing,
Error: "",
ErrIgnore: false,
ExitCode: 255,
Started: 1561256065,
Stopped: 1561256082,
Version: 1,
dst := CloneStage(src)
if src == dst {
t.Errorf("Except copy of stage, got reference")
if src.Steps[0] == dst.Steps[0] {
t.Errorf("Except copy of step, got reference")
if diff := cmp.Diff(src, dst); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Expect copy of step values")
if diff := cmp.Diff(src.Steps[0], dst.Steps[0]); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Expect copy of stage values")
func TestCloneStep(t *testing.T) {
src := &drone.Step{
ID: 1,
StageID: 2,
Number: 3,
Name: "foo",
Status: drone.StatusFailing,
Error: "",
ErrIgnore: false,
ExitCode: 255,
Started: 1561256065,
Stopped: 1561256082,
Version: 1,
dst := CloneStep(src)
if src == dst {
t.Errorf("Except copy of step, got reference")
if diff := cmp.Diff(src, dst); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Expect copy of values")
dst.ID = 101
dst.StageID = 102
dst.Number = 103
dst.Name = "bar"
dst.ErrIgnore = true
dst.ExitCode = 0
dst.Status = drone.StatusPassing
dst.Started = 1561256356
dst.Stopped = 1561256365
dst.Version = 2
if diff := cmp.Diff(src, dst); diff == "" {
t.Errorf("Expect copy of values, got reference")